Specialist lawyer for banking and capital market law
Jens Rottloff has been offering his domestic and foreign clients competent advice and legal representation in contract and regulatory law for over 20 years. He studied at the Free University of Berlin, was admitted to the bar in Frankfurt am Main in 1999 and became managing partner of our law firm in 2005. He has been a specialist lawyer for banking and capital markets law since 2009. Jens Rottloff specializes in taking on advisory mandates under banking and capital markets law. In his many years of specialization, he has acquired particular expertise in the areas of:
- Advising asset managers (Asset Managers) and investment advisors (Asset Advisors) as well as investment and/or acquisition intermediaries, in particular pursuant to the German Banking Act (KWG) and the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG),
- Review of regulatory licensing requirements,
- Licensing applications for securities trading banks and financial services institutions and pursuant to Section 32 of the German Banking Act (KWG),
- Representation of clients vis-à-vis BaFin,
- Initial Coin Offering (ICO),
- Cryptocurrencies,
- Prospectus law pursuant to the German Capital Investment Code (KAGB), Securities Prospectus Act (WpPG) and Asset Investment Act (VermAnlG),
- Raising mezzanine capital,
- Drafting of contracts and general terms and conditions
- Defense of claims for damages and enforcement of own claims for clients against third parties,
In addition, Mr. Rottloff handles mandates in the areas of labor law, inheritance law, commercial and corporate law as well as general civil law.
He is a member of the German Bar Association, the Working Group for Banking and Capital Market Law and for Inheritance Law of the German Bar Association.
Your lawyers
Dr. Frank Michael Heß
Lecturer for Financial Market Law (FH Ffm)
Jens Rottloff
Specialist lawyer for banking and capital market law
Swaantje Dirks
Lawyer and Business lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)
Certified specialist for industrial property protection